We can offer you face to face services in Hove if:

You self identify as male

You are over 18

You live in Sussex

We require clients to refer themselves to us personally – we do not accept third-party referrals. If you are attempting to refer someone else to us, please email us first, including their consent for you to contact us and explaining clearly why they are not able to fill in the form themselves.

If you do not live in Sussex, find out about services available in your area via the Male Survivors Partnership

If you live in Sussex, and want to access our services yourself – please fill in our self-referral form here.

Please note: Due to the level of demand for our services, the current total waiting time is 6-8 months (around 2-3 months for an initial meeting, then another 4-5 months for counselling).

This is our location – please note that we are not a walk-in service, and you must fill out our self-referral form here if you wish to access our services.