Explore the effects of your experience with a counsellor and it’s impact on your thoughts, feelings and behaviour

  • We offer up to 24 weekly sessions of 50 minutes each
  • Same time, same day, same counsellor
  • Offered at no charge or donation-based
  • Currently via video call

Once you have completed the online referral form we’ll contact you to arrange an introductory call. This service is open to anyone aged 18+ living in England and Wales

Introductory Call

Once you have completed our online self-referral form, we arrange a time for a 15 minute telephone call. You won’t need to discuss any details about your experiences. This is just to gather some information and to make sure from the outset that we are the best service for you.

Initial Meeting

The initial meeting via video call is where you can speak to a counsellor about yourself and what you need at the moment. It is not a counselling session and we do not ask for any details about what has happened to you except what age the incident/s occurred.
This is so we can make sure that you are offered the right service at the right time. The bullet points below run through what we ask at this meeting.
The main questions are about:

  • Current life situation – work, relationships, housing, children, health, etc.
  • Support network – who you have around you and other forms of support you access.
  • Family background – details of your parents, carers and siblings.
  • Health – engagement with other services, use of drugs and alcohol, etc.
  • Any previous support – what you found useful and not useful in the past.

This all helps give a general overview of what is happening in your life, why you are looking for help, and what you would like to achieve. We will also tell you about how our service works and answer any questions you may have.

The initial meeting will go at your pace and you don’t have answer any of the questions if you don’t want to. We are aware of how difficult this first meeting can be and want to make it as comfortable for you as possible.

Individual Counsellling

This is your opportunity to talk in confidence, maybe for the first time, about how you are feeling about what has happened to you.  For people who have not had counselling before, it can be a scary prospect. However things go at your pace and designed around your goals so that you are always in control.  You are not expected to remember or recount everything that has happened to you.  No one will push you to report your abuser to the Police or to tell anyone about what has happened.

Our counsellors create a safe space for you to help you make sense of the past, understand the present and plan for the future.

What’s involved:

  • Up to 24 weekly sessions of 50 minutes each
  • Same time, same day, same counsellor
  • Offered at no charge or donation-based
  • Currently via video call