Since 2000 we’ve been supporting people who self identify as male who are affected by unwanted sexual experiences.

We use the term ‘unwanted sexual experience’ to include any non-consensual or unwanted act of sexualised violence, coercion, manipulation or abuse. For example online or text abuse, childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape. Everyone’s experience is unique and you will have your own language for what has happened to you.

1 in 6 men have been affected by unwanted sexual experiences

That’s over 5 million people in the UK

We are Inclusive

We believe in equality, inclusion and celebrating diversity. We value all our Employees and Service Users and Stakeholders and treat them with fairness, dignity and respect. We work towards ensuring that people with all protected characteristics are included in our governance and can fully access our services. Our services are free to ensure money isn’t a barrier to receiving support.

We are Respectful

We show respect to our Service Users by operating in a person centred way and ensuring that Service Users are the heart of our governance structures. We hear, and act on what they tell us. We are flexible and open-minded, and treat everyone respectfully.

We are Ambitious

We’re committed to doing our best work in order to achieve the best outcomes possible for as many Service Users as possible.  This means seeking continuous improvement and efficiency and striving to improve our services. It also means striving to increase the number of people we serve and increasing our reach to ensure we are serving as many communities as possible.

What you can expect from Mankind UK

We are committed to providing a programme of high-quality, male-specific services in a safe and confidential environment.

We are committed to being honest and open about what we do at all times.

We promise to use our experience and knowledge to help you choose the most appropriate way forward for you.

We will not rush you or make any decisions for you, and will do all we can to ensure that you feel safe.